
4th International Workshop
Point Cloud Processing


Feb 6-7, 2025


Stuttgart, Germany


About The Event

3rd International Workshop “Point Cloud Processing"

The 4th International Workshop on Point Cloud Processing is a 1.5 day seminar co-organized by the Institute for Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart and EuroSDR.


Topics | Focus

Point clouds captured from aerial and mobile mapping platforms are an important source of information in the geospatial domain. Ongoing research efforts on Multi-View-Stereo-Matching and LiDAR sensor technology provide data of remarkable accuracy, density and reliability. In addition to the provision of core geometric information, point clouds are the foundation of tasks like land use classification and 3D modelling. Also triggered by the recent developments in the field of geometric Deep Learning, the automatic interpretation of unordered point sets to generate high-level 3D representations of the environment i.e. by 3D building models is becoming mainstream.

In view of these developments, the 4th International Workshop on Point Cloud Processing brings together experts from industry, academia and national mapping agencies to present and discuss the processing, evaluation and interpretant of point clouds with a main focus on mapping purposes.

Like in the previous workshops held in Delft and Stuttgart in the years 2018, 2019 and 2023, the program will provide a mix of invited speakers from industry, academia and governmental organizations as well as presentations selected on an abstract based review process.
Themes of the event include

  • Hardware developments
  • Visualization and acquisition
  • Multi-Modal data processing LiDAR and imagery
  • Semantic segmentation and classification
  • Automatic generation of building models
  • Applications and use-cases from practice

Event| Sponsors

Uni Stuttgart

Event | program

Thursday, February 6, 2025


10:30 Arrival and registration, coffee and welcome


11:15 – 12:50 An update from NMCAs
  • Jeroen Leusink, Het Waterschapshuis – The Netherlands: Climb to one height - Towards an Integrated Height Facility in the Netherlands
  • Florian Gandor, Swisstopo: swissSURFACE3D - Achievements and multigenerational perspectives
  • Léa Vauchier, IGN France: LiDARExpress: an hybrid (AI and heuristics) processing chain for automatic LiDAR data classification and digital models generation
  • Jesús María Garrido Sáenz de Tejada et. al., Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Madrid: Feasibility Analysis of the implementation of nationwide point cloud classification with AI
  • Bruno Vallet / Amine Boussik, IGN France: Non rigid registration of building footprints on aerial LiDAR

12:50 - 13:30   Break with finger-food + posters


13:30 - 15:10   Sensors and platforms insights
  • Gottfried Mandlburger, TU Vienna: Consumer-grade Unmanned Laser Scanning - orientation, resolution and accuracy
  • Andreas Ullrich, RIEGL: RIEGL Waveform LiDAR – accessing and working with attribute-rich point clouds and intermediate data products
  • George Vosselman, University of Twente: The pulse matching problem - the limits of laser scanning productivity
  • Bernhard Schachinger, Vexcel: Unlocking new capabilities in airborne point clouds with the hybrid UltraCam Dragon 4.1
  • Melanie Elias, TU Dresden: Planet4Stereo: An open-source pipeline for processing digital elevation models from multi-temporal Planetscope satellite images
15:10-15:30   Coffee break + poster


15:30 - 17:30   Applications: Short presentations (3-4 min each) followed by poster
  • Vincent Reß, University of Stuttgart: Gaussian Splatting SLAM for fast monocular and multi-view scene reconstruction
  • Bruno Vallet / Wu Teng , IGN France: Reverse engineering LiDAR point clouds
  • Nejc Dougan, Flai: Challenges in creating real-world ready AI-based point cloud classifier
  • Daan H. van der Heide, Daan C. Hulskemper, Daisy Sparla, Jantien Stoter, Rijkswaterstaat, TU Delft: Perspectives on the planimetric definition of point cloud density
  • Antje Alex, DLR: Pipe reconstruction from point clouds for automated model generation
  • Sungha Ju and Joon Heo, Yonsei University Korea: Distributed computing approach of scan vs bim analysis for construction quality monitoring
  • Felix Matzke, TU Dresden: Data augmentation to enhance semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds
  • Michael Weinmann, TU Delft: The potential of AI for 3D scene digitization - recent learning-based innovations on handling challenging scenarios
  • Rico Richter, Point Cloud Technology GmbH: Twin4Road: Creating a digital twin of the road infrastructure using mobile mapping data
  • Sarah Hoppe, Fraunhofer IGD, Two-step clustering based counting of wheat spikes in laser light sectioning point clouds
  • Kevin Kocon, IGD, Challenges for the automatic 3D point cloud processing on the single wheat ear level
19:00   Social dinner


Friday, February 7, 2025

8:30 – 10:10   Data processing insights
  • Florent Poux, University of Liège: Building AI Systems for 3D Point Clouds
  • Dorota Iwaszczuk, TU Darmstadt: Leveraging domain knowledge to refine deep-learning-based semantic segmentation of outdoor point clouds
  • Uwe Bacher, Hexagon Innovation: Hub Digital Twin Germany - classification and streaming of very large and dense point clouds
  • Maarten Bassier, KU Leuven: 3D reconstruction and machine learning for UAV-assisted bridge inspections
  • Konrad Wenzel and Mathias Rothermel, nFrames/ESRI: Potential of Gaussian Splatting
10:10 - 10:40    Coffee break


10:40 – 12:20 Information Extraction from 3D Point Clouds
  • Narges Takhtkeshha, FBK / TU Vienna / FGI: Multispectral UAV LiDAR point clouds for environmental monitoring
  • Juha Hyyppä, FGI: International benchmarking on tree species classification using multispectral ALS
  • Arttu Soininen, Terrasolid: Data fusion in forestry from multiple scanning platforms
  • Katja Richter, TU Dresden: Monitoring of deciduous tree growth using hyper-temporal terrestrial laser scanner point clouds
  • Eetu Puttonen, FGI: Seeing trees from a forest: A five-year retrospect to the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute permanent LiDAR Phenology station “LiPhe”
12:20   Closing


Presentations are in-person only, no video transmission will be provided!

Venue | Accomodation


GENO-Haus Stuttgart located at Heilbronner Straße 41, 70191 Stuttgart.


Rooms can be found at Stuttgart tourist https://book.stuttgart-tourist.de/stuttgart/ukv/result?lang=en.

Geno-Haus in Google Maps

Event | Organizers

Norbert Haala

Norbert Haala

University of Stuttgart

Markus Englich

Markus Englich

University of Stuttgart

Fabio Remondino

Fabio Remondino

FBK Trento

Oveland Ivar

Ivar Oveland

Chair EuroSDR Commission II


Pricing | registration